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I designed and implemented a parent drug and alcohol prevention program that ran alongside the SF Police Department’s DARE program facilitated with children for 10 years.

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I created the workshops and taught over 500 parents, educators, and trainers in a parent curriculum focused on drug and alcohol prevention, positive discipline, developing resiliency in your children and building your child’s self esteem.


I am one of the founders of the San Francisco Family Support Network in June 2004; I had chaired their evaluation committee for 7 years.



I started a nonprofit organization in 1993 with a $100,00 grant and had grown it to a budget of almost $3,000,000 in 2019 and two permanent sites.

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I established a robust and meaningful social justice platform with the nonprofit I ran for 25 years.


Over the course of 25 years, the nonprofit that I founded and ran served over 40,000 families and children with participant driven services.



I initiated over 30 programs and services that were based on excellence in program outcomes. The center was honored with numerous certificates of excellence including the City and County of San Francisco.



In 2012 the Department of Public Health cited the program that I helped create a model early childhood playgroup to use throughout the City of San Francisco.


Over the years, visitors from Europe and different parts of the United States and California have visited and duplicated our models of family support and early childhood programs.


Author of R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
How Nonprofits and Private Companies can Blend Principles
and Profits

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©2022 by Maryann Fleming

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